Defining the Hawaiian concepts of Aloha, Pono, and Kuleana.
The Spirit of Aloha
The Hawaiian words Aloha, Pono, and Kuleana all have a philosophy to them. They can all be applied to everyday life whether it be in the workplace, in school, or within the community. In Hawaiian, the translation of the word “Aloha” is the “breath of life”. With “alo,” meaning “presence,” and “ha,” meaning “breath”. When people first hear the word “Aloha,” the immediate thought or reaction is “Hawaii”. It is first thought of as only meaning “hello,” in Hawaiian. However, it is more than just saying “Hello”. Though it is a common and simple word used for greeting someone, it can also be used in different contexts. You might have heard aloha being used with the phrase “Aloha Spirit,” or “Live Aloha”. To locals, Hawaii is considered a very sacred place full of wisdom. To Live Aloha means to spread kindness, love, compassion, acceptance, grace, and peace. Use “aloha” when you want to thank someone such as a fellow student, colleague, peer, or professor, when you meet someone for the first time such as a new friend, or when you receive something given to you, like a gift. To apply aloha is to have positive energy and a positive outlook towards life and the people you connect with on a daily basis. This attitude of aloha can also improve your health by reducing stress and anxiety. Therefore, whenever you find yourself in a difficult situation, pause, relax, take a deep breath, and say the word “aloha”. And don’t forget to use it with a smile!
The Balance of Pono
In Hawaiian, the translation of the word “Pono” is “righteousness”. It is often used within the phrase and the Aloha State motto, “Ua Mau ke Ea o ka ‘Āina i ka Pono,” The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness. To apply pono in your everyday life is to feel a sense of contentment and balance. You feel good, and everything is right in your surroundings and situations. To be pono is to be full of optimism, hope, and enthusiasm for others and yourself. It is applying the virtues of honesty and fond energy towards your peers and the effort you put into the work that you do by yourself and with others. Keeping your life in balance is important for your health. Therefore, remember to make quiet time for yourself to reflect on what is important for your own wellbeing. While taking care of yourself, you help and take care of the whole community altogether.
The Power of Kuleana
In Hawaiian, the translation of the word “Kuleana” is “responsibility”. It is unique to the Hawaiian culture and refers to the relationship between a person who is responsible, and the responsibilities that they have. Hawaiians have a kuleana to the land. It must be cared for and respected, and in return, the land has the kuleana to feed, shelter, and clothe the people. Through this relationship, we maintain a balance between society and the natural environment. It is important to accept your responsibilities and be held accountable whether or not things turn out as planned. Kuleana is all about self- motivation, ownership, empowerment, and personal transformation through learning. As an individual within a collective environment, it is important to do your best in placing concern for all peers and their rights, interests, as well as personal values and properties. Apply “kuleana” everyday by being inspired to make a difference not just within your own life and future, but within the new community you have become a part of and whichever community you will return to.