I turn on the screen as the world lives with issues of global warming, racism, shootings, war, homelessness… I take a deep breath and want to switch the channel. Because a sense of fear lingers within me and I get scared for humanity, I seek to watch something more uplifting instead like a Buddhist Dharma talk for instance, or a light Japanese drama with a predictable plot. Yet even if I do that, I have to face the fact that we cannot escape the dark side of what happens in this world. Therefore, I look at what happens as an indicator to breed more positivity. Instead of using technology as a bearer of bad news, I use it as a tool to reach out to positive outlets.
It can be hard at times to look at the good side of difficult, complicated situations. When we hear the news, flick to Twitter—everywhere we go we are bombarded with fear and uncertainty. Hearing news of tragedies can be a real mental drainer. We feel for the victims, we fear for our lives. We don’t know if we are ever safe going outside.
Whenever I hear about another horrifying act of terror happening in the country or other parts of the world, it can be easy to quickly throw crude remarks about the perpetrator. Deep inside we feel relieved that we are alive to tweet our prayers for the victims. Yet we get angry at the killer. We blame leaders. We feel the sadness and grief, then we move on with our lives. Honestly, we become passive towards the news without ever considering what seriously needs to take place. With violence, the news will warn me to stay vigilant in the country I live in. In other words, “It is like a war outside, so beware”.
TV screens, movie screens, computer screens (which I am using to type this), and phone screens. No matter where I go the screen has always been there, in front of my face. And as far as I know, it will always be there to retell what is past and what will never be reached again. This screen has shaped my understanding of this country and the world so much without me even taking notice of its impact. To be blunt about it, life is just a whole big screening process. But the most I can do with this “screening process” is to shift my thinking.
As I get older, a need to know how to handle living in front of the screen without losing my mind is so crucial in this day and age. While it’s best to be careful with this screen when it turns on and maybe take a one-day sabbatical, let’s take a look at the good side of the news, shall we?
I’ve come to understand that the news reminds me to stay grounded in love, kindness, and gratitude. So not to take a peaceful life for granted, the news, whenever I encounter it, is there. So not to look upon anyone with hate and fear, the news and people who argue and comment on the news reminds me to shift my thinking and just love. That is where the balance is found. I am made aware of these heartbreaking stories not just so that I can stay up to date or choose a side, but so that I can continue to raise my consciousness and help others to raise their consciousness as well for a healthier wellbeing.
The news helps to tap into the Buddha-nature found within, shedding a frame of mind that has very limiting beliefs. When using the news as a tool for gardening more positivity rather than judgment, it’s not that bad after all. And a slow news day? It isn’t something to be concerned about. It’s a step forward.
On that account, let us get through to each other, even the ones that suffer in committing harmful acts, with love and compassion. We are all traumatized by acts of violence. Let the news that is revealed to you on the screen not frighten you, but uplift you. When we look at the news, let it teach us to put more emphasis on hope and joy for a better day as well as safety for all beings.
Up until now, rather than relying on the news to just inform you about yet another terrifying event that makes you sigh, let it open the path towards positivity and enlightenment. The path that lets us call each stranger by our true names: brothers and sisters. Because while it can be easy to judge and complain about what is wrong with the world, no one is left without scars. We are all in the healing process together, watching the same screen.
To all the lives lost through violence, pain, and persecution my heart is with you. May you forever rest in peace and love.