In an attempt to keep my mental health in check and physical body in balance, I have to pay attention to what I am taking in. Living in a developed society of various thoughts and opinions where tragic events happen all the time, I ask the question, “who is to blame for all this chaos?”
I titled this post with these words because I’ve heard it so many times. Yet the world hasn’t changed that much despite the older I get; it is still stifling with issues upon issues of a lower vibration.
And I’ve noticed that whenever I go on Twitter these days, I get a massive headache. Despite this, I turned to it again and again because of the recent events that have been taking place. I am human after all, and I want to know if everything is going to be alright. But sometimes I have to remind myself of the media’s negative energy. While my thinking can change, the sphere where negative energy breeds negative energy will never change. Thus, I must remain mindful of its trap. So I released Twitter and told myself not to enter that space all the time because I know how it will affect me.
People will never stop debating over the news. Prejudice will continue to keep us running in circles, questioning this or that. And I choose to remain silent about modern issues, not picking sides, because I am aware of the solution. The structured ego, which argues for what is right or wrong, will never breed the solution.
The matrix will always be filled with anxiety, arguments, and uncertainty. It is a lower dimension, after all. It will always be filled with zombies sucking the energy, the life out of you.
We must be reminded that the newsfeed and tweets on top of whatever is floating around in the abyss of space and time do not exist in the present moment. Therefore, if I want to see change, if I want to see a better world, where people live in happiness and peace, it is better to not open news sites at all. It is better to live in the present moment manifesting things of a positive nature as much as possible. Feeling what I’m feeling, the loneliness and all, and staying with it. Being with thoughts of abundance to switch my frame of mind that everything is already good as it is. This is the power of manifestation, the law of attraction.
Living in the here and now improves mental health and physical wellbeing and spreads more light; the energy that uplifts and restores the consciousness of love. The only challenge is maintaining that habit of living “here” and “now” with so many people around us who have different points of view. Thus, to seek more of what you want, you need to be where you see fit.
The universe is so expansive. What occurred two days ago, an hour ago, a second ago is only a speck of a moment in this universe. The present moment is the world that I can change. It is the most that I can control if I want to see change.
I will do my best to embody tenderness and forgiveness. I will do my best to practice random acts of kindness and love. To give for the sake of giving, and help for the sake of helping. I will do my best to be patient with myself and with others. To not breakdown when it seems that things are falling apart. Just as the earth stays on its course without losing balance, I must maintain to do the same.
I cannot control what happens in society. But with inner work, I can control my perception, and this is enough to change the world. As cheesy as it sounds, mindfulness is the language I speak. Love is the culture I live by, and Mother Earth is where I abide.
The present moment is the most beautiful of all moments. Letting this soak in, I remind myself of “interbeing”; nothing belongs to me, and I am empty of a separate self. I take a breath. With this, I appreciate all the life that surrounds me.