Categories Books

Richard Bach’s Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Determination is everything, is the message that rings true in Jonathan Livingston Seagull. It is what gets you far, it is what gets you to the next level of boundlessness. A story about a seagull who would rather live to fly rather than fly to live, Jonathan Livingston…

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Categories Music

Hikaru Utada’s Hikari

Hikari is one of Utada’s most compelling songs to date. Released at the turn of age 20 in 2002, the self-titled song which means light in Japanese (also similar to her first name), allows the listener to enjoy Utada’s vocals in a new and delightful way. Hikari is…

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Categories Music

So into J-pop: Perfume

Getting Into Perfume Now, I must admit, I am not much of a Techno-J-pop listener. But the first album I ever heard from Perfume was Future Pop (released in 2018) in August, and I loved it. Yes, they do not sound like every j-pop singer/songwriter out there, but…

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Categories Music

So into J-pop: Top 15 Albums

So here goes a list of my favorite J-pop albums that I have found enjoyable throughout my Japanese music listening experience. Of course, there are probably better albums than what is reviewed here. According to Google, one of the best Japanese albums is Kazemachi Roman released in 1970 by…

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