Categories Life Wisdom

Living The Days Awakened

The place in which I’ll fit will not exist until I make it.“- James Baldwin

To be awake is to have an inner knowing. It is shedding what is old and birthing what is new. It is the process of cherishing what is gold and releasing all the shit that we’ve been told before we grew. To be awake is to live in truth in all ways possible without fear. To accept what comes and goes without bitterness. To be awake is to be without a lot of things. Because it is you on your own, paving your path as things slip away; as each passing day, hour, minute, second of infinity—leads you towards the greatest being you are meant to be. Put through it all here on earth: heaven and hell existing simultaneously, love and hate on different sides of the same coin. How can one hate one thing yet love another? To be awake is to see the light of love within all things!

To be awake is to shed the light on the truth, even when it is painful. Despite this pain, despite the never-ending tears, we hope, still hope…that more love gains more power. If not, at least compassion, forgiveness, and thankfulness can help us grow more and more. Thus, every moment possible I do my best to say “I am grateful,” to myself. I am grateful for all the bad, all the good, and all the in-between.  I water the seed of gratitude to not forget what I have and where I have been. This is being awake. As an awakened being, even your dreams at night become more vivid; more like “this” reality. And those dreams are just as important as waking life. And being awake is living in the present even if it feels like a cycle. I feel like every passing day I have lived before. I was awakened, but I feel as time slipped me backward and I have to go through the whole process of ascension so that it can be in harmony with mother earth.  

As I age, time seems to move faster and faster. I feel the “synchronicities” here, there, everywhere. They follow me all the time, despite my inner knowing that they have never been experienced (or lived) before. Maybe it is just my spirit shedding its truth. Maybe it is just the world spinning at a higher, lighter vibration. It is me realizing, this was meant to happen, and I am experiencing it. I have moved up—a stage up, and those I do not “vibe” with anymore are removed from my “field”. This shift occurred unexpectedly and took a gradual process. It took long, hard, inner work. And though I feel the change, I question whether I am part of that change or not. So I infer: The change did not occur without me of course, but it first had to occur within me. Therefore, not only do I feel the change, I am able to handle it too now. I am able to live in this new shift in perspective with mindfulness, an inner knowing that things are moving forward, and it all moves together.

I remember the days when life would speed faster than I could handle and I would break down because it was too heavy. The energy was too powerful for me to handle with my naivety. But as time continued to speed on— I have become more careful, heedful, I am aware of the energy that surrounds me. The lightweight energy, the painful and heavy energy, the powerful “oh my goodness this is too exciting!” energy. A knowing that the energy is there and that it needs to be attended to and maybe healed or handled is peace growing and illuminating outwards. This is the essence and potency of non-duality. I am not a physicist,  but I know that we are energy and that the energy we carry is very powerful. On a physical level, sometimes if I pay attention to my hand moving, I notice the waves. On a metaphysical level, let us try to carry positive energy that breeds love and beauty and nothing less. Though I do not understand energy and physics I’m working towards handling my energy better with each passing day of my life. This is the heart of the awakened being: to never stop growing, or expanding our energy or awareness.

As an awakened being, we always work towards something that creates a beautiful ripple effect; a beautiful life for all beings on earth.

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