What a blessing to be alive. So then, what must we do to survive? To reach the light without falling into darkness? We must now how to handle the darkness. To be honest, writing this, I’m not completely sure how to keep heaven of life on earth in happiness, and balanced to thrive. To share that glory and grace with the world has been tough. To be conscious of what surrounds us. Of what’s inside of us.
At least I know, it is powerful to be grateful. To be joyful of so much. To create rather than just relate and be static. I know, it is powerful to be thankful for life. Even if we have very little. In life, there is only what exists and yet there’s so much abundance. More than we know. More than we try to seek. Use your power of free will to spread love, love, and love. Did I say, love?
Lay down your weapons. No, in fact, disassemble them to pieces and burn them with the fire that shoots them. Do you know how to do that? I thought so. Therefore, just stand there. Just breathe in and feel it. Remain in silence. Stand face to face with the one you call an enemy. It is you, my friend. So then, feel the silence of the skies, the birds, the flowers, the trees, and the deserts that just are. They still grow and blow all so beautifully with the sun and know what is necessary.
There are crises going on wherever I direct my eyes. And my heart aches and it cries for peace. Let us rise up to our feet jumping high like we have nothing to defeat. Let us make love. It’s so crystal clear. Yes. Let us smile at each other without fear. Let us smile at ourselves without fear. Without tears. Without judgments and criticism. Let’s be kind to one another. It’s not about being right. How for sure do you know you are right? Well, these thoughts are my thoughts.. they feel smooth as I release them. Light like the wind. Bright like the moon.
Again, what must we do? It’s up to you. But we must love; give love. Spread love. Be love. Near or far. Whoever you are. Reading this or not. Say it with love. Say it with truth and honesty.
We will go on and on and on and on…